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Born in Hiroshima
Bachelor degree: Architecture (2000)
Musashino Art University
Master Degree: Media Art/Design (2003)
Waseda University
Mobile game & entertainment industry (2003-2008)
Voltage Inc. & Digital Hollywood
Master Degree: Digital Contents managiment (2008)
Digital Hollywood University
PhD Degree: Human Computer Interaction (2008-2013)
The University of Tokyo (Supervisor: Jun Rekimoto)
◆Research Interest: Human Computer Interaction, Interaction design,mobile interaction, social media, GIS, AR/VR/AH, life long computing, media art, entertainment computing, Data visualization, Augmented sports, etc.
◆I love: Sailing, Japanese tea ceremony, Flying, Cooking, DIY, Heritage tour, Beer, etc.
Koh SUEDA/末田 航 Ph.D

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