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Micro AR (2011-)

Micro AR is a hybrid physical/virtual hypermedia that integrates paper (a static/tangible media) and Augmented Reality (AR - an interactive/immersive media) using the metaphor of a loupe tool to represent magnification functionality. Making use of the familiar action of observing small objects as part of the metaphor, we can embed intuitive and semantic browsing operations into paper media. This system provides the user with an immersive, interactive experience through the use of a handheld magnification AR device and micro AR makers.
  AR technology allows us to show things that we are unable to see with the naked eye or without imagination. As humans, we have the ability to imagine invisible things and liken objects one to another (e.g., children use a stone as a car for playing). From childhood on, we are able to enjoy more immersive and more creative pretend play using our ability to imagine. This ability is an important factor for learning in terms of encouraging us to imagine, or to discover, something new from existing objects or environments. Our Micro AR tool uses a tangible interface to engage users in the augmented experience by exploiting our imagination. In this project, we propose a new mobile interaction using a handheld magnification AR device and micro AR makers that piques creativity and imagination to support learning.



MicroAR(マイクロAR)は、ルーペで本を読む感覚をスマートフォンで置き換え、かつAR(Augumented Reality:複合仮想現実)技術を盛り込んだ新しいメディアである。ユーザが読んでいる本の上に追加情報が現れたり本の中の主人公のCGが重なったりと、新しい感覚の読書が楽しめる。当アプリケーションでは実世界の微細な物体を観察するように慎重にかつ、紙に印刷された植物の細部や微生物を没入感を伴いつつ観察できる。


*Elementary, My Dear Watson: Examining Interactivity as Exploration in Augmented Reality via a Magnifying-Glass Simulator, Guan-Soon Khoo, Ruobing Li, Shintaro Kitazawa, Koh Sueda & Henry Been-Lirn Duh, ICA's 63rd Annual Conference, 2013


* [ACM]Sueda, K., Gu, J., Kitazawa, S., Duh, H.B.L., Micro AR for Education: Using Metaphors for Familiar Actions. In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Emerging Technology, 2011, DOI 10.1145/2073370.2073381.


* [ACM]Sueda, K., Augmented Diary ~ an automatic life-logging tool using social tags and Twitter~, In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Symposium on Apps, 2011.


[IEEE]Sueda, K., Gu, J., Kitazawa, S., Duh, H.B.L., Micro AR for tourist: hybrid physical/virtual mobile media using a loupe metaphor. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE/ACM ISMAR), 2011.


* Gu, J., Sueda, K., Boyer, D.M., Duh, H.B.L., Designing a Mobile AR System for Discovery Learning, The 4th Korea-Japan Workshop on Mixed Reality, 2011.

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