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Smart Sail (2013-)



[ACM]Sueda, K.,In proceedings SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Emerging Technology, Article. (Will be shown on Dec. 2014 at Shenzhen)


Internet function

Sailing is not easy to learn for beginners, because controlling a sailboat is not intuitive. In this study, we propose a design direction for sailing learning system using interactive media. We have developed prototypes of SmartSail, an augmented feedback user interface to visualize force on the sail for making controlling a sailboat easier. This project contributes to learn sailing easily (or controlling a sailboat) by 1) visually enhancing the force on the sail as colors and blinking patterns to the sail itself to reduce the player’s mental workload, and 2) changing of the appearance of the sail allows both the player (using R/C sailboat) and spectator to understand the boat speed, sail trimming, and sailor’s skill easily. SmartSail visualizes the subtle changes of the sail not only to its sailor but also to the trainer or spectators viewing from land. Our system is inspired by stall protection functions for aircraft that warns the pilot to indicate stall omens before stalling. We observed from results of the test sails that SmartSail allows sailors to graduate from relying heavily on the augmented feedback to attending more to other visual feedback that the sailors use without altering the focus of their attention. In addition, indicating the status sail as colors is helpful for both the players and spectators to know the sailboat is faster (or slower) from a distance.


セーリングは風を動力にした爽快感に溢れるスポーツですが、一方で風とセールの関係を理解し操作するのが直感的ではなく、初心者にとって敷居が高い。帆船の操作の主体は風の力を受けとめるセールの操作です。それに加えて、セールに作用する風に対する船体の姿勢制御と操舵が加わります。セールは、動力源としての風を受けとめるだけでなく、セールそのものに流れる風を捉える触角のような働きをするため、セールの状況を観察・理解することが大変重要です。Smart Sailは、セールの微妙なはためき、歪みなど、初心者が感知しにくいセールの状態を強調的にシミュレートし、セール本体に提示する方法をについて検討しています。


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