“Easy Tagging Cam” is a digital image recording function equipped with multiple shutter buttons. Tagging is a powerful method to retrieve (or find) a user’s records and to develop a re-usable life-log. At the same time, tagging is time consuming. EasyTaggingCam lets users capture and tag photographs simultaneously and also allows the user to be free of tagging tasks. This function utilizes the system to provide the recommended tags from social tagging, including geotagged objects on mobile devices. The user is able to develop a reusable life log and to contribute in developing social tagging continuously. And also utilizes a life-log system which facilitates the easy retrieval of information.
「Easy Tagging Cam」は,Flickr APIを利用して,近傍のタグを集積しそれぞれの登場頻度や距離などによってスコアリングされたタグが,そのスコアに応じてタグクラウドのように大小のテキストボタンとして表示される.ユーザはこのタグを選択することで,近隣で撮影された写真のタグ傾向に基づいたタギングを撮影(シャッターボタン押下)と同時に行うことが可能である.
Easy Tagging Cam (2010-)

* [ACM]Koh Sueda, Henry Been-Lirn Duh, and Jun Rekimot. 2012. Social life logging: can we describe our own personal experience by using collective intelligence?. In Proceedings of the 10th asia pacific conference on Computer human interaction (APCHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 41-50. DOI=10.1145/2350046.2350058 (acceptance rate: 26.5%).
* Sueda, K., Miyaki, T., Rekimoto, J., Social Geoscape: Visualizing an Image of the City for Mobile UI Using User Generated Geo-tagged Objects, Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Networking and Services, 2011. MOBIQUITOUS 2011. The Eighth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems, 2011 (acceptance rate: 28%), DOI
Visualizing Image Of The City From Geotagged Photos, IPSJ Journal Vol.52 No. 4, pp.1-10, 2011.
Funded projects:
* Easy Tagging Cam, principal investigator, Nakayama Hayao Foundation For Science & Technology and Culture, Japan (0.9M yen (US$10,000), April 2010 – October 2011)