
Dr. Koh Sueda is a research fellow in National University of Singapore. He joined IDMI NUS to pursue a new vision for human computer interaction (HCI) in 2010. The keywords of his research are augmented realty, social life logging, social geographical information systems, talking drone to comunicate with birds and mobile/ubiquitous entertainment (or sports). Sueda received his B.A in architecture from Musashino Art University in 2000, M.Sc. in information and telecommunication from Waseda University in 2003, and Ph.D. in Information Studies from the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies of the University of Tokyo (Super visor: Jun REKIMOTO). Sueda works in multiple areas of computer human interfacing (CHI): Media art/design, ubiquitous computing and architecture. He has presented his own works at a variety of academic, industrial design, and media art venues including ACM SIGGRAPH and ArsElectronica. His graduate work of master degree, “Communication Grill Chang-tei” received prizes in many competitions such as the Japan Media Art festival, Asia Digital Art Awards, and the eighteenth Digital Content Grand Prix 2004 that was supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). In addition, Sueda joined Voltage Inc. (IPO: 2010 [First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange code: 3639]) to work in the business of mobile entertainment in 2003. He has supervising experiences as art director, producer, recruiter, etc. in the dawn of mobile web services industries in Japan. Since 2008, his life-logging project “Kioku Hacker” have won several funded projects including Exploratory Software Project(Mitoh), and also won FOST Kumada Award from the foundation.