Can we describe our own personal experience by using collective intelligence?
A famous Gestalt psychologist Kurt Koffka left a statement "The whole is other than the sum of its parts." Similarly, collective intelligence such as social tagging exposes a social milieu that cannot be obtained from the descriptions of each individual. Previous automatic (or passive) life logging projects mainly focused on recording the individual life activity however, sometimes it is difficult to recollect the situation from their own perspective logs alone. In this project, we propose a social life logging system called “KiokuHacker” (Kioku means memory in Japanese) that encourages the user to describe their life activity by using a massive amount of processed geotagged social tagging from the Internet. The result of a one year user test not only shows that our social life logging system encourages the user’s reminiscence which the user cannot recollect by oneself but also indicates that the user evokes their reminiscence which is not directly related with to the tags/scenes the system displayed.
Social Lifelogging は,位置情報付きのユーザコンテンツに含まれるユーザタグを実世界の集合知と見なし,ユーザの活動記録を自動的に記録するライフログシステムである。本システムでは,実世界集合知のデータベースとして,Flickrで公開されているジオタグ付き写真に含まれるユーザタグを集積し、ユーザの周辺環境のキーワードとしてライフログに利用する。これによってユーザはいっさいの記録活動をすること無く、ユーザ自身の足取りと地理的に関係のあるキーワード閲覧し、記憶想起のトリガーをして利用することが可能である。
Social Lifelogging (2011-)
2013 – FOST Kumada Award
* [ACM]Koh Sueda, Henry Been-Lirn Duh, and Jun Rekimot. 2012. Social life logging: can we describe our own personal experience by using collective intelligence?. In Proceedings of the 10th asia pacific conference on Computer human interaction (APCHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 41-50. DOI=10.1145/2350046.2350058 (acceptance rate: 26.5%).
* Sueda, K., Augmented Diary exploiting geotagged objects on the Internet, In The 15th IPSJ symposium Interaction 2012 Interactive session, 2012(in Japanese), http://www.interaction-ipsj.org/archives/paper2012/data/Interaction2012/interactive/data/pdf/1EXB-20.pdf.
* [ACM]Sueda, K., Augmented Diary ~ an automatic life-logging tool using social tags and Twitter~, In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 Symposium on Apps, 2011.
Funded projects:
* [Awarded!] Automatic life-log system using social tagging, principal investigator, Foundation for the Fusion Of Science and Technology (FOST), Japan (170,000 yen (US$2,000), April 2011 – March 2012)
* Kioku Haker, principal investigator, Exploratory Software Project, Information-technology Promotion Agency (IPA), Japan (5.5M yen (US$60,000), December 2008 - August 2009)